Thursday, September 17, 2015

About Gosha and what help he needs

Gosha was diagnosed autism at age of 2. We moved to the United States because of this problem. In US he can go to special needs class at regular school. In Russia where we are from autism in most cases equals schizophrenia and kids suggested to be placed into mental institution.

Gosha is very adorable boy and extraordinary smart. But he almost doesn't speak and have severe social and communication problems. We need good speech therapists and ABA(applied behavior analysis) specialists to work with him.

  1. YOUR PRAYERS - We understand that whatever good we want to do it can't be done without God's will. We believe that only God can do a miracle for us and Gosha and open his mind for speech.
  2. THERAPY - We are looking for good specialists in autism that could help Gosha to adapt to this world. Autism is something that Gosha will carry through all his life. We are not looking how to spend thousands dollars in exchange of "magic pill" or false hope. We are looking for specialist making scientific research of the problem of autism and for whom Gosha may be helpful. We are in Houston, Texas, but we can move if it would be necessary.
  3. SPREAD THE WORD about autism and about kids like Gosha. The more attention they get – the better their life could be.
Thank you very much and God bless you!

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