Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Going to a next level.

Gosha did all of his Lego sets hundred times. Many parts were lost, many building instructions were destroyed. So many new sets were desired, but prices are high and budget is quite limited.

What we did is we took apart all Lego sets we had, sorted them by color, size and shapes and gave Gosha a little netbook where he can download building instructions from internet for any set and try to build them from the pieces he already have.

That of course require some imagination from him and engineering skills, cause not all the parts are available and he needs to think about how he can replace missing parts.

First reaction was very positive, he got the idea of freedom he have now and already made several models including those we had not before. Even keeping an order and disassembling models back into pieces for now working quite well.

I suppose the next level will be his own models, but for now he prefer to download instructions for his favorite Technic serie form lego site and do the models he can from pieces he has.